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25th January 2024

How to master an evolved B2B buyer journey

With so much discussion in the B2B sphere around the role of the buyer journey, explore the latest edition of Silver Shares to discover how it has evolved and it’s now critically important to be with your buyers when they’re not with you.

The B2B buyer journey has transformed from the linear, box-ticking process it once was into a complex and diverse set of ‘jobs’ that a diverse set of individuals needs to complete simultaneously. And with four key buying jobs to focus on, you can win the hearts and minds of your customers with confidence.

1) Problem identification: Help by being helpful

If your prospects don’t understand the problems they face, they won’t be won over by the solutions. Clearly outline to them what obstacles they’re up against and what overcoming them will result in to maximise the chances of success.

2) Solution exploration: Simplify the complex

The B2B space is known for complex language, so communicating the benefits of solutions to a specific audience can often be a challenge. Articulating in context for the persona you’re targeting drastically improves receptiveness.

3) Requirements building: Get personal when it matters

Today’s buyers have all the power and expect more personalised and relevant experiences. Surround your buying group with a personalised campaign strategy can help break down barriers and stay ahead of the competition.

4) Supplier selection: Stand out with creativity

Saturated by an abundance of content across a range of channels, customers have accustomed to uniform and generic experiences. Captivate audiences with innovative creativity to gain a huge competitive advantage.


In this evolved buyer journey, connecting with your customers when they aren’t with you is paramount to maintaining engagement and increases the chances of sales conversions. Transform your buyer journey strategy and ensure you stay ever-present throughout the journey so you can continue to thrive in an ever-changing buyer landscape.

Read Silver Shares