15th October 2019
Silver Spotlight: Tom Storrer
Tom Storrer has shared his top ads of 2019. Do you agree with his picks? Has he missed your favourite?
Which three words would you use to describe your role?
Varied. Creative. Considered.
What are your day-to-day tasks?
I start by checking emails, going through my schedule and catching up with Heather, our studio manager. I’ll get briefed on any new projects and start working through my day in priority order.
My days are usually really varied, which I love. I could be conceptualising, writing video scripts, email campaigns, brand messaging, digital ads, print ads, websites, social media posts, proofreading or editing.
What’s the best part of the job?
I love coming up with ideas. It’s a great feeling when something clicks and you know that you and the team have found something special. Working on that idea then seeing it come to life and make a difference to a client is such a brilliant process.
What’s the biggest challenge of your role?
Working on several projects in a short space of time can be a challenge. Agency life is so fast-paced, so it’s a skill to be able to shift mindsets and writing styles to suit different clients.
Favourite project you’ve worked on and why?
Anything video-based is always fun to be a part of. The one that stands out for me is the Science of Storage animated series for Dell EMC. Writing the scripts and working closely with the Motion team to develop the characters and storyboards was great. I also got to write the channel communications for the campaign which was fun.
The campaign won an award this year – the first I’ve been a part of – which made it really special for the whole team.
What’s your biggest achievement to date – personal or professional?
My partner and I recently bought our very first home! Getting the keys and sitting on the floor, eating pizza is something we’ll never forget. I’m terrible at DIY, so I hope the house is still standing this time next year!
What do you do when you’re not producing great copy?
I love watching films, going for walks, supporting Chelsea and playing golf (or trying to). This year I’ve also made a conscious effort to read more and write outside of work.
What piece of technology could you not live without?
It’s got to be my phone, although my friends and family would be quick to tell you that I’m terrible at keeping in touch!
I use it mostly to listen to music in the morning and watch videos in the evening – but I’m trying to cut this down and replace it with reading. It’s a tough habit to crack though.
Who do you look up to the most – real or fictional?
Fictional: Don Draper (aside from the adultery and alcoholism)
Real: Walt Disney (the greatest storyteller who ever lived)
What brand do you admire and why?
Creatively I’d say Nike. I’m always excited when they release a new ad because I’m usually blown away by them.
Who would you choose to play you in a film?
Maybe Eddie Redmayne? I’m quite quiet and unassuming, and I think Eddie would play that really well.
Favourite film?
This is tough, but sentimentally I’d have to say Mary Poppins. I must watch it at least once a year and I still get goosebumps when the music starts. It’s special to me. An absolute classic.
Which cartoon character do you most relate to and why?
Jerry from Tom and Jerry. Always happy and optimistic, whatever the world (Tom) throws at him.
Thanks, Tom! Be sure to keep an eye out for the next Silver Spotlight post next month.