25th November 2020
Find your creative freedom with animation
2020 has been a year of restrictive measures, both on our personal freedoms and on our creative freedom. A reduced capacity to use people and props in advertising or marketing campaigns has forced brands to turn to other media to realise their visions.
So, what is it about animation that makes it so suited to overcoming modern marketing challenges?
Our Motion Team Lead, Tom Stephens, believes it’s because animation can communicate complex, abstract ideas very simply, quickly and powerfully – more so than any amount of explanation and reading could get across. Is he right?
Telling emotional stories
One of the greatest benefits of animation, according to Matt Hurley, Creative Director, is the ability “to tell stories and communicate emotions and ideas in a unique, easy-to-perceive way that both children and adults can understand.” For many information-heavy businesses, animation can turn complex topics into easy-to-follow stories – it allows brands, topics, ideas or concepts to be expressed in any way you can imagine.
The biggest TV marketing focus of every year is undoubtedly the Christmas adverts and 2020 has not disappointed. Several big names, including John Lewis, Aldi, Lidl, O2, McDonalds and Childline, opted for multiple forms of animation to convey an array of heart–warming messages. This not only demonstrates the variety of animation available but also its flexibility of expression – an attribute that makes it adaptable to any market or industry.
These adverts are examples of animation being used to leave an emotional impression on the audience, but B2B marketing focuses more on engaging informatively about uses, details, benefits, and other business-related information.
Showcasing creative freedom
International Animation Day, on 28th October, originally marked the first animated movie but has evolved into a fantastic opportunity for businesses to showcase the extensive variety of projects they use animation for. Silver’s own animation showreel illustrates just how complex technology, infrastructure and solutions can be made both engaging and highly informative. This is made possible by animation’s inherent qualities of flexibility, adaptability and variety that allow for extensive creative freedom.
Our animation showreel
Ultimately, “animation offers the most creative freedom because the only constraint is your technical ability and creativity. In other mediums, such as video, you are very limited by practical things, such as how good your cameras and actors are, but also the laws of physics in general” (Tom Stephens). It means everything from the importance of Christmas to the launch of modern infrastructure platforms can be made into an engaging story…and it has been!