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Silver Shares

Enhance sales engagements

29th December 2023


The new landscape of B2B sales

Creative digital experiences that enhance sales engagements and drive good business.

The way we approach sales and marketing in the B2B space is evolving.

Expedited by new forms of content delivery, changing business priorities, a post-pandemic workplace and the expectations of a new generation of employees, the B2B landscape is transforming.

But as the B2B sales and marketing journey evolves, so too does the way in which brands should connect and engage with their prospects — and creative digital experiences are the means to achieve this.

In this report, you’ll discover five reasons why creative digital experiences are vital for sparking successful, value-driven sales conversations, with real-world examples of how we have delivered just that for our clients.

Let’s begin.

5 reason why creative digital experiences are vital for sparking success

1: Speak to your prospects at every level

Showcase the true power and impact of your solutions

The B2B space is known for its complex and often esoteric products, services and solutions.

While communicating the benefits of these solutions can be a challenge, digital experiences offer an engaging way to circumvent this.

It’s not just the innovation that can get complex – it’s often the context too. If your prospects don’t understand the problem, they won’t be won over by the solution either.

With sign-off required from stakeholders at all levels, it’s essential that you have a clear story that showcases the true value of your product and articulates the context in which its value comes into its own – a creative and interactive story that addresses multiple buyer pain points and takes the user on a journey.

Take our work with Scandit for an example. Typically perceived as a barcode scanning solution, our interactive SmartStore experience shows how Scandit offers benefits far beyond that.

Case study

Showcasing the benefits of Smart Data Capture technology

Scandit wanted to communicate its product’s full potential to prospects. We brought it to life with a digital experience.

Scandit’s Smart Data Capture software improves operational efficiencies, provides actionable insights and automates end-to-end processes for retail organisations by capturing data from barcodes, text, IDs and objects with unmatched speed, accuracy and intelligence.

Silver engaged CIO and CTO personas with a personalised end-to-end programme – including an interactive Smart Store Experience – that helped communicate the myriad benefits of Scandit’s product across use cases through an immersive digital experience and built awareness of its true value as a transformational partner.

2: Embrace new possibilities in the remote landscape

Transcend physical boundaries and achieve global reach

The move to remote working has unlocked a new frontier in creative digital experiences.

Where previous B2B sales conversations would have required costly and time-consuming in-person interactions, remote sales can be conducted online, accommodating busy schedules or different time zones.

Remote sales reps can now connect with four times as many accounts in the same amount of time as before, generating up to 50% more revenue.*

However, with this transformation comes a need for organisations to reinvent how the remote sales process is executed – and digital experiences play a significant role in this.

A creative digital experience empowers B2B sales teams to connect with buyers they couldn’t have previously, unlocking endless possibilities in terms of reach.

Tailor your creative digital experience

3: Break down barriers in B2B buyer journeys

Navigate complex sales cycles with engaging experiences

B2B sales is already a complex process.

The plethora of readily available content has given B2B customers greater independence in terms of market research, creating a scarcity of opportunities to influence
your customer’s decision.

B2B buyers spend just 17% of their time meeting with potential suppliers during the sales process.** And when they’re considering multiple suppliers, that drops to 5-6%. Coupled with multiple stakeholders with conflicting priorities, the B2B sales journey is a challenging one.

Consequently, businesses need to find new ways to keep customers engaged and attentive throughout the sales process.

Creative digital experiences offer an opportunity to overcome these challenges. Powerful, engaging content that approaches the sales process from a new angle to show, not tell, the benefits of your product or service.

Case study

A smart city that opens the digital world to operations and manufacturing

Telecommunications solutions with benefits across industries. What better way to express it than with a digital city experience?

The objective was to deliver an ABM campaign that sales teams could use to clearly communicate the full scope of innovative solutions that Telefónica provides – whilst demonstrating to key clients that it is far more than a telecommunications provider.

We created two 3D digitally animated interactive cities, bespoke for each client, which showcased the range of relevant solutions in a visually impactful and engaging way to inspire further business conversations.

4: Cut through the noise

Stand out in a sea of sameness to gain a competitive edge

Distinction and creating an emotional connection with your audience is key to a successful B2B marketing strategy.

Saturated by an abundance of content across a range of channels, customers have become accustomed to uniform and generic experiences.

In this uniform environment, unique and striking digital experiences will set your brand above the rest. Indeed, 73% of customers state that a single extraordinary experience can raise
their expectations of other companies.***

Clearly, any brand able to successfully engage and captivate customers effectively and repeatedly has tremendous opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

But how is such distinction achieved? Truly creative digital experiences are a powerful way of cutting through the noise.

A hyper-targeted, personalised and visually striking experience that meets and exceeds the needs of your prospects, delivered via engaging and impactful creative content, is the key to rising above the uniform and winning customers.

In short, a creative, authentic story with a human at its centre transcends the mundane to bring your brand to life, helping to address buyers’ pain points and elevate the user journey.

5: Let your story do the talking

Connect with your audience through stories

The key to a successful creative digital experience is to create a sense of connection with the audience through storytelling. Trust, authenticity, personality, emotion – these are all crucial elements of effective storytelling.

Characters are a great way to achieve this. Animated, actors, voiceovers – no matter what form they take, characters are key to storytelling, helping give creative digital experiences that human element that sparks connection and engagement.

Three-dimensional characters with unique personalities help you develop closer relationships with consumers, bringing the authenticity of real-world interpersonal connections to your marketing and creating genuine engagement and interaction.

In short, a creative, authentic story with a human at its centre transcends the mundane to bring your brand to life, helping to address buyers’ pain points and elevate the user journey.


Read our blog

It’s time to enhance sales engagements and drive good business

If there’s one thing Silver is proud to do, it’s drive success for our clients.

If there’s one thing Silver loves to do, it’s to tell our clients’ stories to the world.  

Our team has a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by this ever-evolving B2B landscape. Leveraging clear, data-driven strategies and inspired creative storytelling, we can help you create an engaging digital experience that helps you connect with prospects and sell your brand with a narrative that works with you.

It’s time to craft your creative digital experience.

*Donchak, L., McClatchy, J. and Stanley, J., 2022. The future of B2B sales is hybrid. McKinsey.
**New B2B Buying Journey & its Implication for Sales, Gartner.
State of the Connected Customer, 2019. Salesforce.